Here’s the latest from ACSD Preschool Coordinator Meg Baker:
The Addison County School District Early Education programs are excited to announce that families may apply for preschool enrollment in its school-based classrooms by completing the district interest form by April 8th. (Note: if you have completed the Mary Hogan-specific survey, you do not need to complete this one).
Preschool classrooms are based in two ACSD elementary schools: Mary Hogan School and Bridport Central School. Although classrooms are based out of these schools, they serve children from the entire district.
In 2022-23, preschool classrooms will operate on a school-year schedule, Monday-Thursday (hours vary by building, see interest survey for more info). Spaces are highly limited.
Since school-based programming is limited, we do encourage your family to consider other preschool options. Under Act 166, our district partners with prequalified private preschool programs to pay tuition for 10 hours/week, 35 weeks/year of preschool in those settings. For more information go to: https://mbaker61.wixsite. com/uprek/partners