The 5 Town Partnership is sponsoring “Share the Warmth: A Winter Outerwear Giveaway” on the Bristol Town Green. Everyone is invited to come take whatever they need for the upcoming winter season. There will be winter coats, snow pants, winter boots, winter hats, mittens, gloves, scarves and socks, and it’s all free.
Organizers are in need of volunteers to help with the sorting of the items on Thursday, Oct. 20, in the basement of St. Ambrose Catholic Church next to the town green. Helpers are also needed to set up and take down the giveaway display on the day of the event. If you’d be willing to volunteer your time on one or both of those days, please sign up at
The 5 Town Partnership is a collaboration of churches, nonprofits and charitably minded people serving residents of Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton, New Haven and Starksboro.
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