Here is the next installment of the informational video series featuring local experts discussing the importance of quality early childhood experiences for Vermont’s children. In this video host Cheryl Mitchell talks with Lisa and Andy Mitchell, founders of Middlebury Underground and organizers of Foodaroo, the Second Annual Street Festival featuring regional food and music plus a gaggle of great activities for kids on Sunday, June 26, 2016 from 3:00 to 9:00pm in downtown Middlebury. Watch to learn more about how the event is geared toward kids this year.
Growing Bright Futures: Lisa + Andy Mitchell
Growing Bright Futures is brought to you by a partnership of Let’s Grow Kids, Treleven, Middlebury Community Television and Building Bright Futures.This broadcast will feature local experts discussing the importance of quality early childhood experiences for Vermont’s children, harnessing the power of Vermont communities to improve child and family well-being. This MiniBury post is sponsored by Building Bright Futures, if you or your company would like to sponsor a post, please email us for more details.