Let’s be honest, free is better. Free, local and good for kids: downright genius. This isn’t new news, but perhaps you need a reminder (like we did) about the FREE vitamin program at Marble Works Pharmacy. All kids, ages 4-12, enrolled in the pharmacy’s multivitamin program will receive 30 days of multivitamins. Refills are available free of charge every 30 days. The program is available at any of their three locations. Sign up in store.
And please, talk with your pediatrician before giving vitamin supplements to your child, clearly we aren’t experts on your child’s health!
While researching for this post, we came across healthychildren.org; website from the American Academy of Pediatrics that seems to be a wealth of useful information. Their mission is certainly lofty: “HealthyChildren.org is the only parenting Web site backed by 62,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.”