Hello hot button topic! In this month’s GBF Video, Chris Mason, school resource officer for the Middlebury Police Department and the Addison Central Supervisory Union speaks about student social media use, risks, and health issues. Dana Anderson, regional coordinator for Building Bright Futures, steps in for host Cheryl Mitchell to talk with Chris. Chris speaks of his three primary job responsibilities including enforcement, student education and relationship building. His insights into student behavior, relationships and technology use are excellent, so we encourage you to check out this video, plus his accent is quite soothing!
Happy viewing!
Growing Bright Futures Video series is brought to you by a partnership of Let’s Grow Kids, Treleven, Middlebury Community Television and Building Bright Futures. These broadcasts feature local experts discussing the importance of quality early childhood experiences for Vermont’s children, harnessing the power of Vermont communities to improve child and family well-being.