Truth be told, just like everyone else in New England, we’re over winter. In fact, we’re already longing and planning for summer. That’s right, we’ve spent most of February updating the Summer Camp list for 2015. There’s plenty of work left to do over on that page, so please visit it frequently. Right now most camps with January and February registration deadlines have filled up, but there will be plenty of late season camps opening up their registration in March, April and even May. Keep checking back!
In other news, we’ve just created a brand spanking new list of SPRING sports and classes! Be sure to check that page out. Currently it’s home to a select few activities in Middlebury, but hopefully the list will continue to grow with your help. What’s your favorite after school or weekend classes that your children attend? Share you thoughts below or email us suggestions!
Finally, we’re working on a top-secret project…. stay tuned for more exciting news. Trust us, this one will make your life SO much easier!