Providing childcare at town meeting was always something the folks at Middlebury Area Land Trust wanted to do, but they just didn’t have the capacity — until now. This year, according to programs coordinator Caleb Basa, the org finally has enough staff (two full-time educators and an Americorps position) to pull it off.
“Recently we’ve seen a big surge of connection with the Middlebury community,” said Basa. “We feel really supported, and we want to give back.”
MALT hopes “to encourage citizens of Middlebury to connect with each other, to become civically engaged,” added Basa. “MALT is an organization that survives and thrives based off of how engaged the community is.” Parents shouldn’t have to skip town meeting just because they can’t get a sitter.
To that end, MALT is offering free childcare for kids in kindergarten through 4th grade during Middlebury’s town meeting, which is next Monday, March 2, at Middlebury Union High School. Three MALT educators will lead games, crafts and storytelling activities in the cafeteria from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
For more information or to register, email [email protected]. Registration is mandatory and space is limited.