If you’re like us, your current focus involves strategies for simultaneously avoiding frostbite while ensuring enough energy is being expended to stave off cabin fever. Right? So, with the exception of daydreams, you’re probably not thinking about warm and sunny summer. But guess what, it’s time to start planning for summer vacation already!
Over the next few weeks we will be tweaking our infamous Summer Camp list (check out our 2013 one here) and passing along any local info that comes our way. For example, Steve at Middlebury Mountaineer just reminded us that registration for their popular kids Summer Adventure Camps started this past weekend, yikes! For more information on how to register, call Steve at Middlebury Mountaineer 802-388-7245.
Another tip, if you’re looking to send the kids further afield this year, you might consider checking out the KidsVT School and Camp Fair this Saturday, February 1 at the Hilton Burlington. They will be representatives from schools and camps from all over the state, so it’s a great way to get your questions answered and even sign up for programs.
How do you remember camp registration dates each year? Do you set a calendar reminder or just wait for the brochures to start rolling in? Please share your tips on our facebook page or below in the comments! Also, please pass along any information you have gathered regarding camps either via email or facebook – this is one of our biggest projects of the year and every bit of information helps!