Park Street
Vermont 05753
Have you always wanted to have a silhouette of a family member, a child, or yourself?
The Sheldon Museum presents a Silhouette Portrait Day on Saturday, June 11 with artist Carolyn Guest. 15-minute sessions are available between 10 am and 3 pm. Fee: bust $25 and full figure $55.
Advance reservations and payment are required. Space is limited, so sign up today by calling the Sheldon at 802-388-2117.
This program is offered in conjunction with the current exhibit Addison County in Profile: Silhouettes from the Sheldon’s Archives. Who knows — maybe one day your silhouette will be in the archives too!
CLICK HERE to learn more about the event and Carolyn Guest.
The Henry Sheldon Museum is located at One Park Street in downtown Middlebury across from the Ilsley Library. Museum hours: Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sun. (May 29-mid-Oct 16) 1-5 p.m.; Research Center hours: Thurs. and Fri. 1-5 p.m. or by appointment. Admission to the Museum is $5 Adults; $3 Youth (6-18); $4.50 Seniors; $12 Family; $5 Research Center.
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