Before I became a parent, my idea of being “a regular” meant the waitstaff knew my name. Oh how limited was my view of the world! These days I’m racking up a lot of experience at playgroups, storytimes, and open gyms. At these places, being “a regular” means I know where to change a diaper, if there’s a snack, and everyone knows my kid’s name.* For me, this is possible due to Minibury’s Events Calendar (and my love of routine and repetition).
The Middlebury area is lucky! A number of local organizations and schools host free and low cost activities for young children throughout the week. As you may have noted from the last paragraph, one of Minibury’s most precious resources is the Events Calendar. Local organizations and event hosts can post events for children and families in and around Addison County. It is a reliable way of helping parents and caregivers plan their week. And while the calendar offers the basics of the events, it is lacking in detail about the events.
But now, a new short blog series – Be a Regular! – fills in the gap! If you are new to the area, being a parent, or have just discovered the calendar, stay tuned. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting some short introductions to the Middlebury-area, free and low-cost recurring events and the lovely folks who host them. (The details of which you can find on, you guessed it, our awesome Events Calendar.)
We’re hoping to cover similar events outside of the Middlebury area, and if you host a free or low-cost, drop-in-style event in Bristol, Vergennes, Brandon, or somewhere else, please hit us up!
*In an OK way.