August is World Breastfeeding Month so there’s a plethora of support activities happening around the state.
In Addison County you’ll find WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselors and other community breastfeeding supporters at several events in August!
Farmers Markets Farm to Family Coupon Distribution dates:
Bristol Farmers Market on July 26 from 10-1pm
Vergennes Farmers Market on July 31 from 3-6:30pm
Middlebury Farmers Market on August 13 from 9-12:30pm
Addison County Fair and Field Days run from August 5-9. Find our Nursing Nook near the restrooms for a kind smile, a place to sit and nurse, and to change a diaper!
Our regular offerings of breastfeeding support continue throughout the month of August!
La Leche League meets August 7 at 10am a tJuneBug Resale Shop, in the Star Mill Building on Park St, Middlebury
Porter Breastfeeding Class on August 18 at Porter Hospital, Collins Conference Room from 6:30-8:30pm, registration required, call 382-3413
Natural Beginnings on August 19 from 11-1pm at the Ilsley Library Community Room
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