Looking for something to do this Saturday before trick-or-treating? Head to the Bristol town green after lunch to decorate a pumpkin!
The Bristol Recreation Department is hosting Pumpkins in the Park on October 31 from 1 to 2 p.m. Local farms will donate the pumpkins and there will be LED lights to make them glow around the green later that evening.
Here’s what the local Ok. You’ve Got This youth resiliency campaign has to say about the event:
Connection. As in—to each other. As in—to the world around us. More and more, new research is demonstrating that it’s foundational to building and maintaining resilience—the ability to bounce back from hardship and to flex and adapt to change. We are literally hardwired to do it.
Many of us have zoomed our way into staying connected to friends and family via technology since our common ways of gathering with other humans has been curtailed by the COVID19 pandemic. This is ingenious, important, and a great sign of resilience and adaptation, but it has its consequences in terms of screen fatigue, tech neck, and blurred vision among other things. There is also a physicality to connection that we are missing. There is something fortifying and balancing about seeing three-dimensional living things and hearing words straight from the mouths of …well, anyone.
While we can’t as easily gather in huge groups or fly and visit loved ones or hug our friends, there are still opportunities to gather together and enjoy each other’s company. Many of your local organizations, businesses and municipalities are getting really creative about ways to safely bring people together.
Pumpkins in the Park is just one of many ways to stay connected in Addison County this fall. You can find out more by checking the calendar at the Ok You’ve Got This Website, www.okyouvegotthis.org.
The Ok. You’ve Got This campaign for youth resiliency in Addison County is dedicated to raising awareness of the 7 C’s of resiliency. We believe thriving communities and healthy families grow resilient kids. We want to help you stay connected!
Photo by Steve James