Main Street Middlebury
VT 05753
A much-anticipated highlight of the summer, the Festival has remained faithful to its mission of bringing top-quality, free, family friendly entertainment to the residents and guests of Addison County. The festival includes both daytime and nighttime performances. Check out their website for further details, but be sure not to miss the family friendly Brown Bag Specials!
Brown Bag Specials
Monday-Friday, 12:00-1:00
“Brown Bag Specials,” performances designed for a family audience, are presented at noon Monday through Friday. Festival-goers bring a bag lunch or picnic from home, or patronize one of the nearby restaurants for take-out. These shows, which feature storytelling, dance, music, and puppetry, are enjoyed by an audience sprinkled with lively toddlers from local day care centers, youthful residents of nearby camps, downtown shoppers, and employees from businesses bordering the Green.
Evening Performances
Sunday 7:00-9:00
Monday-Friday, 7:00-10:00
Evening performances begin at 7:00 p.m. and are generally done by 10:00. The week’s program features something for nearly every musical taste from folk and country blues to rhythmic international melodies. All events take place rain or shine under the tent on the Village Green.
Street Dance
Saturday Evening 7:00-9:00
Since 1984, our capstone event has been the Street Dance, featuring big-band selections by the always-popular Vermont Jazz Ensemble. With the support of the town Selectboard and businesses surrounding the Green, Main Street is closed to all but pedestrian traffic so that Festival-goers can “cut the rug” on the street.
For more, visit: