Mary Hogan Drive
VT 05753
Several area businesses will be teaming up to raise money for the Middlebury Fire Department the weekend of July 20-21 as part of a fundraiser in honor of former fire fighter, Adam Myers. Adam Myers was a dedicated member of the Middlebury Fire Department until his tragic death in a car accident on July 20, 2011. He left behind a loving wife, two sons and many more friends and family along with a legacy of community service.
The Mini Muster is a special event held at the Middlebury Rec Park on Saturday, July 21 from 10:00am-12:00pm in which children of all ages are invited to join members of the Middlebury Fire Department to play games, enjoy refreshments and tour fire engines!
Raffle Tickets go on sale Monday, July 16 at Two Brother Tavern, which will also host a music event Saturday July 21 at 7:00 pm featuring the Snake Mountain Bluegrass followed by $2,000 in raffle prizes.