holy moly, can you believe it’s Easter Weekend already? Maybe the temperatures will warm up a bit and we can all stop cursing that groundhog.
Start your weekend off right at the Friends of Middlebury Baseball Pancake Breakfast at Bread Loaf View Farm in Cornwall. Pancakes, donuts, sausages, and milk will be sold from 8:00 – noon Saturday morning.
Then hop over to Ilsley Library and hear a unique mother/daughter author talk. Joanne Markey Weber and local illustrator Kendra Weber Gratton will read their newest book Octi the Octopus Faces His Fears.
If you’re feeling more adventurous, head up to the Snow Bowl for Fun Day and enjoy the last weekend they’re open. Snow School Participants and families can enjoy a fun-filled morning of skiing (bring your name tag). Costumes encouraged! (rain date is Sunday 3.31)
Sunday break out your baskets (and boots), it’s the annual Eddy Farm Easter Egg Hunt! Expect lots of exciting kid friendly activities including visits with the animals, pony rides, egg painting, and of course a great egg hunt. Rain or shine.
Looking for dye-free Easter Egg? Check this out:
Source: weelicious.com via Eliza on Pinterest
Happy Easter Weekend!