The Bristol Conservation Commission invites you to explore the outdoors with its Winter Scavenger Hunt!
Head outdoors wherever you’d like (it doesn’t have to be in Bristol) and find 20 of the 22 items listed. Submit your game card to the Lawrence Memorial Library by March 9, 2021 to be entered into the raffle. Raffle winners will receive one of five $20 Bristol Bucks prizes generously donated by the National Bank of Middlebury.
Bristol is a great place to explore in winter and there are all sorts of
parks and trails just waiting to be discovered!
Want to make a real adventure out of it? The Lawrence Memorial Library — and Ilsley and Platt libraries — have adult and children’s snowshoes to borrow.
To get started, download a your copy of the Winter Scavenger Hunt here.
Happy Hunting!
(Pictured are bundled-up buddies Andy Dash and Max Albinson exploring Bristol using snowshoes borrowed from the Lawrence Memorial Library.)