Well, that was fast. Feels like just yesterday your munchkin was a baby. Now she’s off to kindergarten in the fall. What now? Do you know what to expect?
Lucky for you, Area school districts compiled this incredibly thorough, school-by-school guide for parents, preparing you for this milestone with details on what to expect, and how to prepare. It provides a snapshot of the registration process and the kindergarten day.
Click on the name of your school, below, to skip ahead to that section.
Mary Hogan School (Middlebury)
Vergennes Union Elementary School
Addison Central School
Families can contact either Suzie Hodsden our school secretary or Alison Matot, the kindergarten teacher. We are both available by phone or email. The main phone number for Addison is 759-2131. Suzie’s email is [email protected] and Alison’s is [email protected].
K Registration Info:
Mailings and additional information go out in the spring.
Classroom Placement Information:
Not Applicable – Only 1 K classroom
Transition Activities Offered:
- Kindercamp
- Individual Family Meetings with a K Teacher
- Meeting with School Nurse or Guidance Counselor
- Child Observations or Screening
- K Teacher Visits to Pre-K programs
- Classroom Visits for Parents before Kindergarten
- Classroom Visits for Children before Kindergarten
- Tour or Ride on the School Bus
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- Written Information or Paperwork
Other: Sometimes some of these happen, sometimes it just depends on the family and the needs.
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
Kindergarten Screening is May 18th. Call school to schedule a time.
Typical Activities:
7:30 Morning recess
7:45 Breakfast (whole school)
8:00 Morning Meeting (School wide in classrooms)
8:30- 9:30 Math
9:30-10:10 Snack/choice
10:10-10:50 Specials Monday art, Tuesday Music, Wednesday library, Thursday and Friday P.E Wednesday afternoon Guidance
10:50-11:40 Literacy
11:40-12:10 Recess
12:10-12:45 Lunch
12:45-1:15 Story/quiet rest time
1:15-1:35 Fundations
1:35-1:50 writing time/science/social studies
1:50-2:20 choice time
2:20-2:40 anything that we didn’t get done….
2:45-3:00 pick up/pack up/ get ready to go home.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Morning Snack
- Lunch
- Change of clothing
- Other: I ask students to leave all the other stuff at home.
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Drop off is after 7:30 in the morning. In the morning students leave their bags in the hall and go to the gym, not the classroom. Also there is usually a morning recess at this time.
Pick up is at 3:00. Parents need to provide us with a note about regular after-school plans and also when things change. It is way too difficult to call the school at 2:50 to change plans. These things help us and their child.
Bus Information:
Bus information will be available at Kindercamp. Otherwise, contact Suzie to discuss the timing and pick-up location in August. Betcha Transit can answer questions too: (802) 388-7800.
After-school Care Information:
Addison School offers Eagle Care after school. Eagle Care is a registered childcare program that has a fee, but accepts subsidy and is open until 6 every evening. Parents must pick up their child from Eagle Care.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Regular Classroom Volunteers
- Newsletters Home (not always regular)
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Other Information for Families:
Kindergarten is very different than Pre-K. There is so much kids have to learn in this day and age. They will be exhausted at the end of the day. They might fall asleep when they get home. There is not the amount of play time that preschool has because of all the learning that has to happen. But it is amazing!!!
Bridport Central School
Families can contact either Linda Barrett (Administrative Assistant) at [email protected] Jennefer Paquette (Principal) at [email protected]. The main phone number for Bridport is 758-2331.
Registration Info:
We have open registration all year. If families are able to register by May, they will be on the mailing list for flyers and information that goes home regarding spring and summer events.
Classroom Placement Information:
Not Applicable – Only 1 K classroom
Transition Activities Offered:
- K Teacher Visits to Pre-K programs
- Classroom Visits for Children and Parents before Kindergarten
- After School Open House (End of May or Beginning of June)
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- Written Information or Paperwork
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
Many of our students are already present in our building in our PreK program so we do not do an official transition time. However, for families new to Bridport Central School, once registered, we are happy to schedule individual times for students and families to visit. The purpose of the visit is to make a connection between the family and the teacher and to offer families a chance to familiarize themselves with the facility. Once registered, mailings also go home to families.
Typical Activities:
Morning Meeting
Open Exploration
Quiet Choice Time
Number Corner
Social Studies/Science
Activity/Movement Time (sometimes afternoon snack if time)
Prepare for Dismissal
What do children need to bring to school?
- Afternoon Snack
- Lunch
- Change of clothing
- Other: Money for breakfast/lunch account if having meals at school.
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
For the current year, school starts at 7:45 and dismissal is at 2:25. If your child arrives after 7:45 they will be marked tardy.
The drop off and pick up times for the 2018-2019 school year will be published by June 2018.
Bus Information:
Inform the school that bus transportation is needed and they will be added to the bus list at registration time or call school with any changes.
After-school Care Information:
We do not currently offer after-school care.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- PTO and other school events as posted on school calendar, website, or newsletter.
- Weekly classroom and monthly school newsletters home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Bristol Elementary School
Jenni Utter, Administrative Assistant. Her email is [email protected]. Principal, Kevin Robinson. The main office number is 453-3227.
Kindergarten Registration Information:
K Registration Days are April 30th and May 1st. These dates change annually. We mail a registration packet to all families and a notification of these dates to our preschool partners well in advance.
Classroom Placement Information:
To be determined
Transition Activities Offered:
- Home Visits by a member of The Kindergarten Team
- Individual Family Meetings with a member of the Kindergarten Team
- Meeting with School Nurse or Guidance Counselor, upon request
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- K Orientation/Open House for Families before Kindergarten Starts
- Written Information or Paperwork
- Ice Cream Social/Meet The Kindergarten Team
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
April 30th and May 1st: Registration Days, including a panel discussion to cover a basic day, general curriculum, and to answer parent questions / concerns.
Typical Activities:
Arrival: 8:00-8:15 followed by breakfast
Morning Meeting; AM outdoor time (fall and spring)
Specials: PE (2x), Wellness, Art, Music, Library
Lunch and Recess (an hour)
Rest/Quiet Time (20-30 minutes)
Read Aloud, Literacy & Math
Choice Time (inside/outside depending on time of year)
Afternoon Snack
What do children need to bring to school?
- Water bottle
- Change of clothing
- Backpack, outdoor clothing in winter
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Park in the large parking lot, enter through front doors by the office.
Drop off: late bell is at 8:15. Parents often walk children to their classrooms.
Pick up: Enter through front and wait for appropriate time to enter. Pick up is in the classroom.
Bus Information:
Call Betcha to determine schedule and pick up location: (802) 388-7800
Afterschool Care Information:
BASK is available in our building through Mary Johnson CC. Previous registration needed before attending. Paperwork is available during K Registration or contact Anne Gleason at Mary Johnson at 388-2853 or [email protected] to register your child. Our Extended Learning Program is available in 8 week sessions. Paperwork is available through our school newsletter.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Guest Readers
- Newsletters Home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Regular Phone Calls, Notes, or Emails to Individual Families
- Remind app; classroom blogs
Other Information for Families:
School facility/classroom tours are available upon request at any time.
Bingham Memorial (Cornwall)
Jen Kravitz, Principal, [email protected]
Kalen Meissner, Administrative Assistant, [email protected]
Valerie Calzini, Kindergarten Teacher, [email protected]
The main office number is 462-2463.
Kindergarten Registration Information:
As soon as possible. We have a June visit day to come and meet the teacher, see the room, and give the students a chance to be dropped off and do some activities.
Classroom Placement Information:
N/A as there is only one kindergarten class
Transition Activities Offered:
- K Teacher Visits to PreK programs
- Classroom Visits for Parents before Kindergarten
- Classroom Visits for Children before Kindergarten
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- Written Information or Paperwork
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
The afternoon of May 16, 2018 – More information will come closer to the date.
Tours and visits at parent request, set up with principal
Typical Activities:
Weekly – All School Meeting
All week: Morning recess-20 minutes, afternoon recess 25 minutes, 20-30 minutes choice time daily
What do children need to bring to school?
- Water bottle
- Morning Snack
- Change of clothing
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
To be published by June 2018
Bus Information:
Families can call our administrative assistant, Kalen Meissner, to request information about locations and schedules.
Afterschool Care Information:
Children can ride the bus to Mary Hogan to participate in the Mary Johnson after school care program. Contact Anne Gleason at Mary Johnson at 388-2853 or [email protected] to learn more about the program and to register.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Guest Readers
- Newsletters Home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Participation with field trips
- Participation in FOCS-sponsored events
Other Information for Families:
We are excited to welcome your children!
Ferrisburgh Central School
Loretta Lawrence ([email protected]) in the front office or Donna Rusik, Kindergarten teacher ([email protected]). The main office number is: 877-3463.
Kindergarten Registration Information:
Mid-May; Families need to contact Mrs. Lawrence to know what forms they are required to bring to Registration day, the date and the time of their appointment. The appointment lasts about an hour; children play in K classroom with teachers (observation) while parents meet with principal and support staff (nurse, guidance) to discuss individual needs.
Classroom Placement Information:
Not Applicable – Only 1 K classroom
Transition Activities Offered:
- Kindercamp
- Meeting with School Nurse or Guidance Counselor or Special Educator
- Child Observations or Screening (Teachers observe children in groups of 5-6 during Registration day looking for readily apparent skills or needs.)
- K Teacher Visits to PreK programs
- Ride on the School Bus during Kinder Camp
- Summer Letter from Child’s K Teacher
- K Orientation/Playground Night Open House for Families before Kindergarten Starts
- Written Information or Paperwork
- Other: We also offer a Parent Night (this year all district K teachers together) to cover a basic day, general curriculum, and to answer parent questions / concerns.
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
District Parent Night is May 22
Registration Day will be May 18
Kinder Camp is week July 31- Aug 4 (each school may choose different days/times, but total hours will be same).
Typical Activities:
School hours are 5 full days of 7:55-3:00
Arrival begins at 7:40 and before school recess for all students
K class has 2 more recess times (about 20 min each) around 10 and 2:30
Outdoor classroom visit weekly for 1+ hours
Snack occurs before morning recess, lunch is at noon and eating in the afternoon is always encouraged. We are in free play from 1:30 pm on so snack is always an option during play.
*20-30 minutes rest time (with story) after lunch
Academics are mainly in the morning (a math and a literacy block, science is integrated with writing time)
Weekly specials are physical education (2x), library (1x), guidance (1x), art (1x) and music (1x), most specials are in the morning.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Water bottle
- Change of clothing
- LARGE backpack
- Other: Appropriate outdoor clothing for ALL weather types. I bring children outside except in extreme weather (meaning steady rain or temperature/windchill below zero).
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Drop-off procedure is to leave backpacks by outer classroom door and go to playground for before-school recess. (Parents should drop students off at the front door/main office if they are late to school – school officially begins at 7:55). We encourage independence in our Kindergarten students from the first day and ask parents to allow them to put their things in their cubbies and enter the classroom on their own to make for a smooth transition – please do not walk children to classroom down hall unless a teacher expects them. We have a bus lane and a car lane in front of building, be aware of stopped buses dropping off students and watch for school personnel directing drop-off drivers.
Pick-up time follows bus exit (approx. 3:10). All buses load up and leave the driveway before pick-up students leave classrooms. Parents picking up children must enter driveway behind all 5 buses for pickup. Picking up earlier than 3:00 requires notification to office and teacher.
Bus Information:
Riding the bus is encouraged (over parent driving) but is also a privilege based on behavior on the bus. A few areas of town do NOT have school bus service that meets children at their homes (they can meet bus at end of road). Loretta Lawrence (school secretary) knows the schedules.
Afterschool Care Information:
The Greater Burlington YMCA runs an after school program in our building from 3 – 6 pm.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Regular Classroom Volunteers
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Regular Phone Calls, Notes, or Emails to Individual Families
- Other: We are working on a kindergarten web page / blog linked to School Web site with news and photos of classroom events.
Other Information for Families:
We spend a good portion of our school day in play because it is of primary importance to the children’s strong growth in all areas – physical, social, emotional, and academic.
Lincoln Community School
Deirdre Zele, the school secretary. The main office number is 453-2119.
Kindergarten Registration Information:
Tentatively April 13th from 7:30-11:30 for K Registration
Classroom Placement Information:
Not Applicable – Only 1 K classroom
Transition Activities Offered:
- Individual Family Meetings with a K Teacher
- Meeting with School Nurse or Guidance Counselor
- K Teacher Visits to PreK programs
- Classroom Visits for Parents before Kindergarten
- Classroom Visits for Children before Kindergarten
- Tour or Ride on the School Bus
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- Written Information or Paperwork
- Other: Transition day – New kindergartners visit the school for 2 hours.
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
Not Yet Scheduled
Typical Activities:
Arrival: 8:00
Circle and literacy: 8:15 – 9:15
Snack: 9:15
Math: 9:30 – 10:20
Recess: 10:30 – 11:20
Lunch 11:30 – 12:00
Quiet time 12:00 – 12:30
Specials 12:30 – 1:15 approximate time
Story or writing: 1:15 – 1:40
Choice time: 1:40 – 2:40
Dismissal 3:00
What do children need to bring to school?
- Pillow and/or blanket
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Children can arrive in the classroom as early as 7:45. Before that time, they would be in the gym supervised by an adult. Parents can drop children off in the classroom.
Pick-up: Parents wait outside the classroom or in the front of the school.
Bus Information:
They should contact Deirdre Zele in the front office who could answer their questions.
Afterschool Care Information:
We have an After School Program and Expanded Learning Programs at our school. They can contact Megan (ask Deirdre for her number or email) for information about these programs.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Guest Readers
- Newsletters Home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Other: I have fewer classroom volunteers these days but many parents have a skill or interest that they like to share with the class.
Mary Hogan School (Middlebury)
https://www.acsdvt.org/maryhogan – VISIT OFTEN! Find news, announcements, family events, deadlines and copies of newsletters and important notices on the Home Page. Visit the Teacher’s pages to see photos, read blogs and experience student life at MHS!
School Registrar: Karen Hill 388-4421 x1411. The MHS Kindergarten teachers are Patti Crosby, Julie Schondube, Kera Hurlburt, and Jennifer Sommer.
Students attending a UPK program in 2017/2018 have a limited file in the school’s database. To matriculate your student into the full time program you will need to fill out additional paperwork and supply the school with three (3) proof of Middlebury residency. Registration packets are mailed to all students in the UPK database (Feb- March) and can be returned during Preschool Visitation Day or at the Parent Information Night.
We ask that families of new students contact the school directly. The school will open a student file and provide enrollment paperwork in person, by email or via mail.
- MAY 23 – Addison Independent Open Registration Announcement
- MAY 16 – Student Visitation Day (by appointment*) – 1:45 to 2:30 / 2:45 to 3:30
- MAY 31 – Parent Information Night / Q&A meet the teachers & principals
(limited childcare is available if needed) – 5:00 to 6:00pm
*Contact the School – 802-388-4421 to make your visitation appointment before 5/16/2018.
- JUNE – Classroom teachers are assigned and families will be notified by mail.
- JULY – Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
Typical Activities:
Class Begins: 8:15am
Recess from: 10:30-11 and 2:30 until dismissal.
Snack times: (vary by class)
Lunch: 11- 11:30 (each class has 10-20 minutes of “quiet” time after lunch)
Bus: 2:45 release
Car/Walkers 2:50 release
Weekly specials: Two 30 minute Physical Education classes. One 30 minute Music class, One 30 minute Art class, One 30 minute Library Media visit, One 30 minute Library Literacy visit, One 30 minutes School Counselor classroom activity.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Water bottle
- Morning Snack
- Afternoon Snack
- Lunch (from home if not purchasing hot lunch)
- Change of clothing
- Other: This varies by class
After-school Care Information:
Mary Johnson Children Center runs an after school program.
Contact Anne Gleason at Mary Johnson at 388-2853 or [email protected] to learn more and to register your child.
Please Note: If there is no school, there is normally no Mary Johnson programming.
Pick Up & Drop Off:
Driving patterns are ONE WAY into the Mary Hogan school, entering to the north near Champlain Farms, and leaving via the light to the south. There is no parking or pick-up/drop-off in the roundabout.
Initially a family member may walk their child to their classroom door at morning drop-off (please do not enter the classroom). We work toward independence as the year goes on and ask that you phase this practice out as soon as your student is comfortable with the route to their room. This should be a quick process so that your student can join classmates and avoid being marked tardy.
Pick Up:
Bus riders are escorted to their buses at 2:45 and children are escorted to the afterschool program.
Walkers/Car Pickup:
These students are excused AFTER the buses have left. Kindergarten children are escorted by their teachers to the car pickup curb.
Students are not excused from classes until 2:45 pm. If you have an appointment scheduled please notify the classroom teacher (in writing) in advance. Do not come into the school building to pick your student up if you do not have an appointment to do so.
Bus Information:
Schedules are published in the Addison Independent shortly before school starts.
Bus routes/times are always available on the Mary Hogan or ACSD website: https://www.acsdvt.org/maryhogan
Monkton Central School
Cindy Castle (Administrative Assistant) – 802-453-2314, Betsy Knox (Principal) 802-453-2314
Kindergarten Registration Information:
March/April – Please call the main office to schedule a time for the child to come on our Kindergarten registration date. These dates are often posted on Front Porch Forum, fliers at town meeting, and school newsletters/website.
Kindergarten Registration: March 20, 2018. Please call the school by March 12, 2018 to schedule a screening.
Classroom Placement Information:
Transition Activities Offered:
- Child Observations or Screening
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- K Orientation/Potluck/Open House for Families before Kindergarten Starts
- Written Information or Paperwork
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
Kindergarten Registration: March 20, 2018.
Typical Activities:
This year’s typical day:
7:45-8:10 – Ease-In Time (choice time)
8:15-8:30 – Morning Meeting
8:30-9:40 – Math
9:40-9:55 – Snack
10:00-11:20 – Literacy
11:30-12:30 – Lunch/Recess
12:30-1:00 – Writing
1:00-1:20 – Skills Time (quiet time in the fall)
1:20-1:30 – Movement break.
1:30-2:10 – Special Class (art, library, PE, music)
2:10-2:50 – Science, Technology or Choice Time
2:50-3:00 – Clean Up, Pack Up, Closing Circle
3:00- Dismissal for parent pick up and after school students
3:10 – Bus riders board the bus to go home – please note, some bus rides can be as long as 45 minutes.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Morning Snack
- Change of clothing
- Other: shoes for outdoor use and shoes for indoor use. A backpack that is large enough to fit a binder.
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Drop off: Parents should drop students off at the front door (or at the main office if they are late to school – school officially begins at 8:00). We encourage independence in our Kindergarten students from the first day and ask parents to allow them to put their things in their cubbies and enter the classroom on their own to make for a smooth transition.
Pick Up: Early dismissal – parents should go to the main office to sign out their child. The administrative assistant will contact the classroom for the student to meet parent in the office.
End of the day pick up: Parents should meet students outside the school near the basketball hoops. Students will exit through the exterior gym doors and will be signed out by a school employee.
Bus Information:
We work with BetCha Transit. Any questions about bus routes and schedules can be directed to them: (802) 388-7800
After-school Care Information:
Mary Johnson Children’s Center has offered an afterschool care program at our school for many years. If this program is offered again this year, information is usually sent home to families in the summer, prior to school starting. You may also contact Anne Gleason at Mary Johnson at 388-2853 or [email protected] to learn more about the program.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Guest Readers
- Newsletters Home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Regular Phone Calls, Notes, or Emails to Individual Families
- Other: Four Winds volunteers, sending in special snacks, chaperoning field trips, prepping classroom materials at home, etc.
Other Information for Families:
We are a K-6 school. We are a PBIS school (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports). Our Kindergarten is a full-day program only. K-12 students will ride the bus together as we share buses that bring Monkton children to and from Mt. Abe each day.
Ripton Elementary School
Wendy Leeds, Admin. Asst or Tracey Harrington, Principal. The main office number is 388-2208.
Kindergarten Registration Information:
Rolling registration can occur anytime before the first day of school. Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1st for Kindergarten.
Classroom Placement Information:
Not Applicable – Only 1 K classroom
Transition Activities Offered:
- Classroom Visits for Parents before Kindergarten
- Classroom Visits for Children before Kindergarten
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- K Orientation/Potluck/Open House for Families before Kindergarten Starts
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
Open Classroom scheduled for Wednesday, May 9th from 8:30 – 10:00 AM . A Back to School potluck occurs the evening before the first day of school (Tuesday at 5:00 PM).
Typical Activities:
Arrival time is between 7:45 and 8:00 (outside recess until 8:00).
Lunch recess 11:35-12:00.
Lunch 12:00-12:20
Rest time 12:30-1:00
Dismissal 3:15, bus leaves at 3:30.
Five specials per week: PE, Art, Music, Spanish, Library which are all 1 time each week except Spanish which is 2 times each week.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Water bottle
- Morning Snack
- Lunch
- Change of clothing
- Inside shoes every day and sneakers on PE days
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Morning drop off is not before 7:45. There is an adult outside to meet and greet students beginning at 7:45. Please do not drive in the circle; it is reserved for the bus. If arriving after 8:00 (when students come inside to begin their day) students are asked to check in at the front desk and should have a note explaining their tardiness. (Email or phone call is also acceptable.)
As far as pickup, if students are picked up before the end of the school day (between 3:15 and 3:30) they must check in at the front desk. Afternoon bus supervisors have clipboards to sign out all students and indicate how they leave school (bus, pick up, or After School Program).
Bus Information:
We have two buses — one serves Ripton students and the other serves Hancock and Granville students. A bus letter (which includes the route(s) and schedule) is is mailed to families and posted on the website (acsdvt.org/ripton) in early-mid August.
After-school Care Information:
The After School Program runs 3:30-5:15 Mon-Thurs and includes a snack. Contact Wendy Leeds for more information.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Regular Classroom Volunteers
- Guest Readers
- Newsletters Home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Regular Phone Calls, Notes, or Emails to Individual Families
Other Information for Families:
Contact us anytime with questions or to set up a visit!
Salisbury Community School
Families can call our school admin.assistant, Donna Simpson, or principal, Fernanda Canales, to learn more about kindergarten registration. The main office number is 352-4291.
Kindergarten Registration Information:
At least 80%-90% of incoming K’s are coming directly from our in-house preschool program. We have a Kindergarten Information/Registration Night for parents, and a visiting morning for incoming K’s, both held in mid- May. The special educator and the kindergarten teacher visit centers who are sending learners with special needs. Families need to know that their child needs to turn 5 on or before August. 30th to be kindergarten age eligible.
Classroom Placement Information:
Not Applicable – Only 1 K classroom
Transition Activities Offered:
- K Teacher Visits to PreK programs
- Classroom Visits for Parents before Kindergarten
- Classroom Visits for Children before Kindergarten
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- K Orientation/Potluck/Open House for Families before Kindergarten Starts
- Written Information or Paperwork
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
Kindergarten information/registration night for parents or guardians only will take place on April 12th from 6-7PM at the school library. A letter and registration forms for new students will be mailed to families by the end of March and should be returned to school by April 19th with a copy of the child’s birth certificate and immunization record. New parents and students may visit the classroom in May by arrangement. Students attending the Salisbury Community School Preschool do not require registration paperwork and will have a Step Up Morning in June.
Typical Activities:
We start our when the buses unload at 7:45 and begin our Morning Meeting around 7:55. Snack/recess each are about 20 minutes, back-to-back, beginning at 9:30.
All-school recess begins at 11:15, followed by lunch from 11:50-12:30.
Seasons/weather permitting, an end-of-day recess is from 2:10ish until the busses load at 2:25 for a 2:30 dismissal.
There is one special class each day, Monday-Friday, for 30 minutes. Science is taught two times weekly outside of the Kindergarten classroom for 30 minutes each time.
We do not have a rest time, but kids lie down as we do an afternoon read aloud each day.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Change of clothing, and sneakers for daily play.
- Basic school supplies for the classroom are supplemented by families at the beginning of the school year.
- Families can send a morning snack and bagged lunch, or order from the school lunch program.
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
There are designated areas for both pick-up and drop-off at designated times. A schedule for both is required in writing, with changes being made by a note or phone call to the office.
Bus Information:
Buses do not always have seat belts. The driver is the only adult on the bus. Younger children are encouraged to sit in the front section of the bus. Schedules are posted in August in the Addison Independent newspaper.
After School Care Information:
Our school offers an after school program at the school through Mary Johnson Children’s Center, from 2:30-5:30. Families pay for the service. Subsidies are available. Call the school for more information.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Regular classroom volunteers
- Newsletters home
- Parent-teacher conferences
- Friends of Salisbury Community School (PTO)
- Evening/weekend family activities (potlucks, concerts, family events)
Other Information for Families:
The kindergarten class size has been about 10-12 students, on average.
Shoreham Elementary School
Families should call the school office at 897-781 and speak either to Irene Cadoret (admin asst) or Michael Lenox (principal) if they need information about kindergarten registration.
Kindergarten Registration Information:
Registration begins in May. Families should call the school and we will help them with the rest.
Classroom Placement Information:
Not Applicable – Only 1 K classroom
Transition Activities Offered:
- Meeting with School Nurse or Guidance Counselor
- Child Observations or Screening
- Classroom Visits for Parents before Kindergarten
- Classroom Visits for Children before Kindergarten
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- K Orientation/Potluck/Open House for Families before Kindergarten Starts
- Written Information or Paperwork
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
We typically have a morning visit for children and families in mid-May.
Typical Activities:
Students may arrive as early as 7:30. School starts at 7:45. We offer a breakfast, snack, and lunch. The school has recess at 11:30 and kindergarten has other recess and play times built into their day. We do not have a nap time.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Change of clothing
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Families are welcome to come in with their children.
Bus Information:
Bus information will be mailed to families in August. They can also expect a phone call from their bus driver.
Afterschool Care Information:
We have an after school program that is run by volunteers. Our capacity is limited by the number of volunteers so it will fluctuate from year to year.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Newsletters Home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Robinson Elementary School (Starksboro)
Myriah Cogswell, Kindergarten Teacher. The main office number is 453-2949
Kindergarten Registration Information:
Registration is being held on Monday April 2. Families should call 453-2949 to set up an hour-long appointment at school on that day. The incoming Kindergartner should come, too! Families will need to bring a copy of the student’s birth certificate and immunization form. They will fill out some paperwork, meet some teachers and the school counselor, and participate in a short activity.
Classroom Placement Information:
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
- Home Visits
- Meeting with School Nurse or Guidance Counselor
- Child Observations or Screening
- K Teacher Visits to PreK programs
- Classroom Visits for Children before Kindergarten
- Tour or Ride on the School Bus
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
- K Orientation/Potluck/Open House for Families before Kindergarten Starts
- Written Information or Paperwork
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
The information about the Family Potluck/Bus Ride goes home at the start of August. We usually have this event the week before school begins.
Typical Activities:
School hours are 8-3. We have recess following lunch each day for 30 minutes and a Forest Kindergarten event EVERY TUESDAY and FRIDAY from 12:45-3. Our lunch is usually from 11:35-12 and recess 12-12:30. We have snack at around 9:30. Free breakfast is offered to all students each day. We don’t have a nap/rest time at our school. We have Wellness (P.E./Health) twice per week for 45 minutes. Music class once per week for 45 minutes. Art for 45 minutes once per week. We go to the library once a week, too.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Morning Snack
- Change of clothing and weather-appropriate outdoor clothing, sneakers for Wellness
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Children can be dropped off at the entrance by the parking lot or in the front drop off no earlier than 7:45. If parents are parking and walking their child to the line, they should park in the upper lot by the baseball field so as not to interfere with the bus traffic. Please do not walk between buses.
Bus Information:
Families should call the school prior to the first day if they don’t hear from their child’s bus driver/bus company before that. Usually, the bus drivers call each new family to tell them about time/location of pick up and drop off.
Afterschool Care Information:
We offer two after school programs, RASY (Robinson After School Youth) program that runs each day until 5:30 and the Extended Learning Program, which runs in four specific sessions throughout the year too. More information about these programs will be sent out and can be found at school, also.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Regular Classroom Volunteers
- Newsletters Home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Regular Phone Calls, Notes, or Emails to Individual Families
Other Information for Families:
Robinson is such a special place for your child to learn. We look forward to welcoming your family into our school community!
Vergennes Union Elementary School
Parents should call the school at 877-3761 and speak to front office staff.
Kindergarten Registration Information:
Registration info and forms are sent to parents in April. Or… parents may call the school at 877-3761 and request info. Immunization records, birth certificates and proof of residence (a utility bill) are required. A parent night is being planned for May.
Classroom Placement Information:
After Kindercamp in August
Transition Activities Offered:
- Kindercamp
- Meeting with School Nurse or Guidance Counselor
- K Teacher Visits to PreK programs
- Classroom Visits for Parents before Kindergarten
- Classroom Visits for Children before Kindergarten
- Tour or Ride on the School Bus
- Summer Letter or Phone Call from Child’s K Teacher
2018 Transition Activities Offered:
There is a registration and visit day planned for the spring. Kindercamp is planned for August.
Typical Activities:
The day consists of listening and learning times (both whole group and small group), play times, lunch, unified arts classes (such as music, art etc.), snacks, recess, brain breaks, small muscle activities, and large muscles activities. We learn about math, read stories, and write stories. We have fun with science and social studies and learn how to stay healthy. The use of technology enhances our program. We also offer an Action Based Learning (ABL) program that incorporates mathematics, gross motor, fine motor, and ELA concepts.
The day begins at 8. Departure time is at 3. Our school offers breakfast, lunch and snack milk. Our days are busy and our weeks are full. We often provide a quiet time after lunch at the beginning of the year.
What do children need to bring to school?
- Morning Snack
- Afternoon Snack
- Lunch (unless purchasing or eligible for school lunch)
- Other: depending on the teacher and their schedule
Pick Up & Drop Off Information:
Parents must wait in the lobby or get a visitor’s pass at the window in the office if they want to walk their child farther than the lobby. The school is locked during the day. Parents may enter by pushing a button in the entrance and waiting for a buzzer indicating that the door will open.
Bus Information:
Families may call the school at 877-3761 to learn more about the location and time of bus pick-ups and drop-offs.
After school Care Information:
The school offers two after school programs. Fusion offers 5 sessions ranging from 2 weeks to 8 weeks throughout the year. Classes may include yoga, arts and crafts, seasonal outdoor activities, sewing, lego free play, etc. Families are asked to make a $10 donations, per session, if possible. These programs run until 4:30. VUES also offer Thundercare. Thundercare is a registered childcare program that has a fee, but accepts subsidy and is open until 6 every evening. Parents must pick up their child from Thundercare.
Kindergarten Parent Involvement Opportunities:
- Regular Classroom Volunteers
- Guest Readers
- Newsletters Home
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Regular Phone Calls, Notes, or Emails to Individual Families
Other Information for Families:
We provide a fun and educational opportunity to all eligible youngsters. There are not any expectations but there are some skills and experiences that could help your child’s transition to kindergarten. It is in your child’s best interest to have had experience playing with others, listening to stories, and exploring the outdoors. Being able to stay at a table for ten or fifteen minute to share lunch and snack with new friends would be beneficial. It would be advantageous for them to know letters and to recognize numbers to 10. Learning a few shapes and knowing colors would be helpful, too. Independent skills such as toileting and dressing themselves are important skills to have. Every child is unique and special in their own way. We look forward to meeting and getting to know your child and yourself.