It doesn’t take much to turn an outline of your hand into a lovely paper bouquet.
Materials Needed
- Green or light-green colored paper
- Various colored papers — magazines or construction paper
- Cotton-tipped swabs
- Food coloring, water-color paint set, or bingo dot-markers
- Glue or glue stick
- Markers, pens or crayons
- Scissors
- Paper towels
- Plastic container lids or plates
Step 1: Trace around your hand onto green paper.
Step 2: Cut out the shape and glue to the paper you choose for the background (towards the bottom third of the paper may work best. This gives you five stems to work on).
Step 3: If you are using food coloring, fold up several layers of paper towels to make a stamp pad of sorts (one pad for each color). Set on a plastic lid or plate for protecting your work surface.
Step 4: Put 3-4 drops of water on the center of the pad, and add drops of food coloring to make the pad usable. If you are using water-color sets, activate the colors you wish with several drops of water.
Step 5: Using a cotton swab for each color, make a large dot in the center of each finger-tip ending. Then, make a ring of colored dots around this flower center – the petals. The bingo-dot markers can be used as they are, once you take the tops off — same process.