Middlebury UndergrounD (MUD) is proud to present the local film premiere of the documentary short “The Land,” a work by Middlebury-based filmmaker, artist, radio producer and educator Erin Davis, Sunday, May 17 at Middlebury’s Marquis Theater.
“…Life changing – everyone go see it, parents especially.”
Hanna Rosin, The Overprotected Kid, The Atlantic, April 2014
Drop your kids off in the pop-up ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND, grab a drink and screen a thought provoking 23-minute film about a play space where children climb trees, light fires and use hammers and nails at will….with a panel and interactive discussion to follow.
“A stunning piece of work.”
David Plotz, Slate
A pop-up playground in the theater next door gives kids a taste of the adventure….staffed by adults who will use the playwork philosophy to support kids in their own interactive experience.
Fire not included.
Space is limited.
Get your tickets now here.
Learn more about adventure playgrounds….