#tbt to that time we told you to start planning for summer. Don’t worry, there’s still time to sign up for local camps. We’ve added a few new camps to our list this week and we know that there are still more to come {we’re looking at you Middlebury Parks and Rec}.
~ we’re making summer camp planning easier ~
Can we all agree that summer planning is difficult? Seriously, we could spend hours ranting about how fast camps fill up, how varied registration periods are and how 9:00am – 3:00pm is not technically a full day. But you already know that. You need to know what camps are out there and you need a tool that makes planning easier. That’s why we’ve been cultivating a list of summer camps over the past few years and why we’re really excited to introduce you to our newest version. The 2016 Summer Camp Guide is designed to simplify planning, and ensure that your children have access to the very best in education, athletics and arts offered through summer camp programs.
Having a list of camp names, links, dates and general descriptions ALL.IN.ONE.PLACE will make finding summer camps – your kiddos will love – on the weeks you need care – easier. We promise.
Hop over to our Summer Camp Guide for LOTS more great camps. You can also check our Summer Camp Calendar, you’ll need to advance to the month your looking for camp coverage for. And speaking of more camps, check back frequently, because we’re adding new camps every day.