We’re starting of the weekend with an after school visit to candy land aka The Gingerbread House Exhibit at the Vermont Folklife Center. Then heading to Bristol for the annual Chocolate Walk, we might even take advantage of the FREE child care!
- We know our kiddos are going to need some serious fuel to make it through this action packed day, so our first stop bright and early will be to the Annual Pancake Breakfast at Agway.
- Next, we’ll pick up tickets at the Community House for Santa Visits before heading toward Cannon Park to watch Santa arrive. The combination of Santa and a fire truck is sure to send our kids into fits of pure holiday joy!
- Swing back to the Community House and wait our turn to visit the big man. Take annual photo of our children in tears on Santa’s lap (ask ourselves, “why do we do this again?”)
- Bride said children with hot cocoa and Gingerbread House making at the library in exchange for good behavior while we shop around town and place bids at the Festival of Wreaths.
- Refuel at the Holiday Farmer’s Market at Mary Hogan.
- Nap.
- Rally the troops and head to Kenyon Arena to see the Women’s Ice Hockey team take on Castleton. Try not to forget the skates, so the kids can get on the ice and Skate with the Panthers after the game!
- Stop by Helen Porter Grand Memory Tree Lighting Ceremony and explore the Christmas Tree forest.
- Feed said children something reasonably healthy for dinner and pat ourselves on the back for making it through the day.
We’ll cap off our weekend with a visit to the incredible trains at Sheldon Museum. We’re hoping by skipping opening day, we’ll find a relatively empty exhibit. *Last year we learned that the kind folks at the museum will run the trains for kids anytime the museum is open, so don’t feel you need to get to the exhibit during opening day the busiest day of the year.
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