Don’t you just love summer weekends? Especially when the weather cooperates? We’re making sure to enjoy ever last bit of sunshine and late nights this summer, because (sadly) we remember how long and dark winter is! With that depressing thought in mind, here’s how to make the most of this weekend:
Stroll around Middlebury tonight to check out the Arts Walk, or stop by Ilsley Library for the Family Friendly Movie, or cool off with a cremee. These fleeting summer nights will soon be a distant memory!
Saturday, there’s lots to do. Middlebury is hosting the Peasant Market from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. This annual Market is the area’s largest flea market and rummage sale, and all proceeds go to support local nonprofits and service organizations. Vergennes is host to the annual French Heritage Day, which is a free, educational fun-filled family day in Vergennes City Park! And don’t forget about all the Farmer’s Markets around Addison County.
Sunday… ahh Sunday. With few scheduled events or activities this day is begging for a family adventure to a local swimming hole or family friendly hike.
What’s your family doing this weekend? As always, we LOVE suggestions so email us, follow us on facebook and twitter or simply leave a comment below.