First off, thanks for bearing with us through December. We enjoyed the challenge of writing every day and learned much more than expected about ourselves and our community. We thought it might be fun for you to hear what we learned and where we’re headed next.
In no particular order, December showed us:
-You like to know what’s happening on the weekend -When you share our posts on facebook, the readership grows dramatically (including new facebook likes, increased site activity, and new blog subscriptions). Please keep sharing our stories with friends. -Striking a balance between writing and maintaining the calendarIn 2013, we hope to:
-Bring back weekly weekend posts -Continue to increase blog subscriptions, facebook likes, and twitter followers. Help us by sharing with your friends. -Maintain and expand relationships with local business, schools and maybe – gasp! –What do you want from MiniBury is 2013? Let us know and again thanks for reading!