20 Armory Lane
Edible Book Festivals feature creative food projects that draw their inspiration from books and stories. Edible books might physically resemble books, or they might refer to an aspect of a story, or they might incorporate text. The Bixby Library and the Boys & Girls Club of Great Vergennes are excited to host our very own Edible Book Festival! Sign up to bring your creation or come view them! Attendees will vote to select winners from an array of light-hearted categories.
Contestant drop off will occur 10 a.m.-noon at the Boys & Girls Club. Public viewing and voting will be from 1-3 p.m.
Sign up here to enter your Edible Book into the festival!
We will have a limited supply of cake kits to help you get started! If you would like to receive a cake kit (two boxes of cake mix, two jars of frosting, and a set of food coloring), please email [email protected] or call us at 802-877-2211.
Sign up here to attend the festival. The event will be socially distanced, a single household can sign up for a time slot for viewing the entries, attendees will follow a one way path through the building. Masks required. Please enter through the main entrance and follow the staff instructions.
Contest Categories will include, Best in Show, Best Literary Theme, and Best Pun. Winners will receive gift cards to The Vermont Bookshop.
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