75 Main St
Middlebury, VT 05753
To celebrate the week of the young child and show children the value of reuse in a fun, engaging way, two Middlebury College students are teaming up with Ilsley Library staff to provide an opportunity for parents and children to transform recycled materials into art! The students will supply basic art supplies, such as paper, glue, colored pencils, markers etc, and some recyclables, but encourage community members to bring some of their own recyclables. The event will help to show children alternative uses for used things, and give them a space to use their imaginations and create!
Who: Anyone can come! We ask that young children are accompanied by adults, but it is open to anyone and everyone.
If possible, please bring recycled materials from your home to use in the artwork. Basic art supplies (paper, glue, colored pencils, markers) will be provided. FREE SNACKS!
Check out their Flyer for more details, or, contact:
Forrest Wallace or Elizabeth Green [email protected], [email protected]
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