279 Main st
vt 05770
Shoreham Community Forum:
School District Unification Act 46
Please join us at 10:30 am, Thursday, February 4th at Platt Memorial Library to discuss the proposed new ACSU Unified School District, Act 46, and the implications for Shoreham.
This coming Town Meeting Day, March 1, 2016, voters in Shoreham, Bridport, Cornwall, Weybridge, Salisbury, Ripton and Middlebury, will be asked to vote (by Australian ballot) on a proposal to create a new unified school district. If approved, the Shoreham School Board will cease to exist. The proposed new unified Board would have 13 members, as does the current UD#3 Board covering the Middle and High Schools. The 13 members would include 7 representatives from Middlebury, plus one each from the smaller towns. All positions would be voted on at-large.
Please join us for a discussion and bring your questions about Act 46 and how it will affect our school and our community.
For more information please feel free to contact:
Ruth Bernstein, [email protected] or 355-4676
Christine Gibson, [email protected] or 897-5591
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