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02.10.2018 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Notte Neapolitan Pizza Bar
86 Main Street
86 Main Street
$15/adults; $10 kids; free for kids 4 and under
Middlebury Underground
The Grift, Vermont’s premiere party band, plays the songs you choose. Regardless of when you grew up, or what music defined your life… the Grift knows the tunes. Attendees select their favorite songs from the band’s ridiculously large play list of 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s… even “It’s Raining Tacos,” if that’s what you’re into. Come represent your generation in this choose-your-own-music-adve nture event. The best part is, all proceeds go towards growing young minds by supporting the Bridge School Scholarship Fund.
The event also features Squig Heart, a local youth band that rocked RockIt Science Camp at Bridge School last summer, led by the Grift’s Clint Bierman. The band stars Declan Anderson (Bridge School alum), Evan Jennison, Preston Connel, and Kai Pasciak.
Attendees can also participate in the 1st annual Not Your Everyday Raffle, featuring an “Adults Night In” and “Kids Night Out” prize packages, valued at $250 and $150 respectively.
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