6 Main Street Middlebury VT
Have you read Growing a Grown Up or Duck Tape Parenting? Have you been to one of Vicki Hoefle’s parenting classes or presentations?
Then this class is for you! Join Vicki and other families that are focused on implementing her parenting philosophy.
If you are feeling stuck or just want a refresher, this is your chance to work with Vicki in a small group and design a parenting plan unique to your family.
Ask your questions and address your challenges or come for a refresher and remember how to:
- • Invest in the relationship with your children in ways that foster independence and self-reliance.
- • Support the development of self-discipline, self-control and discernment without punishment or rewards.
- • Remain emotionally available for your kids as they are faced with more difficult daily challenges increasing their sense of competency and influencing their self-image in healthy ways.
- • Provide the opportunity for your children to make informed decisions, so they are able to keep themselves healthy and safe along their journey to independence.
- • Keep your eye on the long-term responsibility of parenting and support the development of competencies that guide children as they mature.
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all magic solution that will lead you into bliss but there is a one-sized-feels-awesome for-all outcome: a happy, stable family with children who can think for themselves and parents who can turn the lights out at the end of the day and say, I feel good about where we’re headed.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday May 9, 2017.
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Middlebury Community Music Center (MCMC), 6 Main Street, Middlebury, VT
Register: www.vickihoefle.com/midd-group Cost: $99 per person or $149 per couple
About Vicki Hoefle: Speaker, Coach and Author of Duct Tape Parenting and The Straight Talk on Parenting, Hoefle leads parent education programs nationwide. Her informative and highly engaging presentation style keeps her in demand as a speaker, facilitator and educator.
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