Ok it’s been raining, a lot. We know you’ve come to the end of your rainy day options, so we’ve put together a list of rainy day activities that might be new to you. If you have suggestions, please email them and we’ll add it to our list!
The event highlight this weekend is the Little City’s French Heritage Day celebration in Vergennes City Park. This annual family event features something for everyone – food, music, games!
Have you been geocaching? If the weather stays clear, it might be the perfect way to celebrate the sun and get the kids hiking. Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices (such as Geocaching App for the iPhone). Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. This activity gets kids moving and encourages them think hard as they go back and forth between connecting coordinates with real-world landmarks. Not only that, but it’s fun for everyone in the family. Just recently this activity kept a house hold of 2-9 year olds occupied for hours! Want to learn more? Check out the official Geocaching website and their how-to guide.
What’s your plan this weekend? We’re looking for suggestions for hiking with kids for a new page. Please email us or leave a comment below.