You may have noticed, but things look a little different around here. We know, we know, it’s new but change is good, right?! Plus with spring right around the corner – we hope – what better time than the present for a little in-house clean up.
What inspired the change you ask? Well, we’ve been thinking about this facelift for the last six months or so, but sadly couldn’t find the time to take on such a major project. Fortunately, the recent Addy Indy article gave us just the kick in the pants we needed to bump MiniBury up on our priority list. Then the stars magically aligned – baby #3 has yet to arrive – and we’ve found ourselves with extra, unscheduled time on our hands. So naturally, we pounced on the opportunity to upgrade our little corner of the internet. Our major motivation, other than aesthetics, has been to make sure that we had a full screen calendar available to you. So be sure to click over the events calendar and marvel at just how easy it is to read now! We’re also thrilled about some new functionality of the space, such as the integration of multiple blog posts on the homepage with teasers – if you click on those pink […] you’ll find the rest of the post. And don’t miss that adorable house logo on our hot pink navigation bar, it will bring you right back to the homepage.
Wondering where the elephants went? Well, those buggers aren’t cooperating, so we just updated our logo in the mean time! Hopefully they will make their way back online soon.
We hope you like the new look as much as we do and please, send us your reactions. What did we forget, what’s not working, how can we make MiniBury work better for you?
We’re also thrilled to announce the inclusion of guest bloggers to MiniBury over the next month or so. Thank you to all who’ve responded to our request to help out while our family adjusts to the new baby! Now if that baby would just arrive…